
  • StartPanel, StartPanelPrefs and the associated documentation
    The StartPanel and StartPanelPrefs binaries, along with their associated documentation and scripts, are Copyright 1998 Chris Page of The World Foundry Ltd. Unauthorised alteration, distribution or reverse engineering of StartPanel, StartPanelPrefs or their documentation is strictly prohibited.
  • Usage
    You may not use StartPanel, StartPanelPrefs, their documentation or any part of the same, for any other purpose other than that given in this documentation without my written permission. I may not be held responsible for damage, loss or legal actions resulting from the use or misuse of StartPanel, StartPanelPrefs or their documentation.


StartPanel and StartPanelPrefs are Shareware. This means that you may redistribute them provided the following points are followed.

  • The StartPanel archive must be distributed in full, without any alterations or additions. These documents must remain intact and unmodified in any distribution archive.
  • The StartPanel archive may be distributed via�BBSs,�Internet/Usenet, software libraries like FredFish/ Aminet (including Aminet CDs) and other similar channels.
  • No charge may be levied for the distribution of the package beyond the reasonable cost of the distribution media.
  • Magazines and services that charge extra for file distribution may NOT distribute the package without my written permission.
  • Electronic magazines which wish to review and/ or distribute StartPanel should contact me before doing so
  • The user must register the software after a trial period or StartPanel must be removed from their system.
  • The StartPanel keyfile, or any archive containing a StartPanel keyfile may not be re-distributed, transferred (ie: given or sold to someone else), reverse engineered or altered. Anyone found in breach of these conditions, intentionally or otherwise, will be prosecuted, as well as having "his gaskin slit, his moules shown to the four winds, his welchet torn asunder with many hooks and his figgin placed upon a spike"
    (Terry Pratchett, "Guards! Guards!", Corgi books - well, it sounds good :))
  • If a clause in these conditions should be at odds with the law, or lose its lawfulness through a later circumstance, or should a gap in these conditions appear, the unaffected terms will remain in effect.
  • Installation of the software constitutes agreement with these conditions
  • If you do not agree to these conditions you must remove the software immediately


StartPanel, StartPanelPrefs and the associated documentation are provied "as is", the author may not be held responsible for damage, loss, injury or legal action resulting from the user's ability, or inability, to use the software or any faults ("bugs"), errors or ommissions in the software or the associated documentation. The user takes full responsibility for any such damage, loss, injury or legal action.


Some of the names which appear in this document are trademarks, registered trademarks or copyrighted material. This notice does not imply that they are free and all copyrights are acknowledged.

  • MUI is copyright 1992-97 Stefan Stuntz
  • NLists is copyright 1996-98 Gilles Masson
  • TWFmultiLED.mcc and TWFmultiLED.mcp are copyright 1999 Chris Page
  • Amiga is trademark Amiga Inc.

This package does not contain MUI or NLists and the user should obtain these seperately. (Both are available on Aminet)

If you have any comments, questions or problems concerning this site mail me at